For this child I have prayed (1 Samuel 1:27).
Tomorrow my firstborn will get married.
In all the busyness and blessing of this season we are in,
my heart has been having a hard time catching up to the calendar. And so, in the sweet silence of my house
right now, I am hoping words of truth will find a way to help my heart with the day
that lies ahead.
Now you should know that I am thrilled about this marriage. I love my son’s choice in a
bride and I can see the fingerprints of God all over this occasion. God is good, faithful and purposeful. I have watched Him show up in a mighty way in the life of my son. I have already spent a lifetime praying for
the spouses of my four children and it is a tangible gift to be able to see the
kingdom plans of God come together in their lives. There is just so much worth celebrating.
But the letting go, this final permanent bit, is not easy
Funny how it is, that the most beautiful, life changing moments
in our lives can also be the most difficult. (Can I get an “amen” from all the
new mamas?) Every exciting beginning involves something of an ending, too. I feel a little like I did when our moving truck pulled out of the driveway of our first home and I took that long last look at the sweet place where we brought home all of our babies. It can be good and right, fun and exciting even. But, still hard. Our hearts are able to feel
so many things at one time. I expect
that is why the Lord longs for us to give the whole of our hearts to him.
When my heart is unsettled, I turn to scripture. God’s word speaks truth that cuts through my unpredictable feelings and keeps me rooted, strong. It will do the same for you. Life is a turning of pages, a passing of seasons and whatever situation we find ourselves in, the Bible is full of true stories of real people who experienced all the sorrow, pain, and celebration of life and can encourage our hearts through the same.
After all, God never meant for us to stand still, or to look
longingly over our shoulder at the sweetness of the past, but to live with gratitude and purpose in the day we are in, and to keep moving ahead.
It is a simple recipe for Christ-minded focus and grateful
Be thankful for God’s
leading in the past. God’s
faithfulness in the past fuels my praying and gives me confidence to live fully
surrendered to him. Like you, I have a testimony to share.
"'Return home and tell how much God has done for you.' So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him." Luke 8:39 (NIV)
Live each day with an attitude of joy and praise. We are meant to live life to the full, making the most of every opportunity (Eph 5:16), being present and purposeful, watchful and expectant (Ps. 5:3).“Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Eph 5:19-20
"I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us." Phil. 3:14
This future-focused, purposeful living can celebrate the beauty of the
present and can joyfully accept change as it comes.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.” (Heb 12:1-2)
With the wedding day before me, I already
know that our joy will be sweeter because my son and his new bride have their eyes
firmly fixed on Christ and are committed to run the race well and to run it together.